High quality native plants ready for delivery anywhere in Aotearoa
Minginui Nursery is a purely native tree nursery specialising in revegetation plants. The process is proven. Customers all over Aotearoa can obtain native plants for riparian planting, returning disused land to native, or simply planting in the household garden. With the capacity to produce over 1,000,000 plants per year the nursery is able to supply pure cold-hardy natives on a commercial scale with orders delivered right to the customer’s door. Discover the story behind Minginui Nursery – combining Tikanga Māori and Science to support a new sustainable indigenous forest industry in New Zealand.

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Our Products
Revegetation Plants
These plants are often referred to as primary colonisers and are ideally suited for restoration work such as covering bare ground or for environmentally sensitive areas. Commonly used revegetation species include Mānuka, Kānuka, Pittosporums, Karamu and Mahoe.

Our Products
Wetland Plants
Wetlands plants are equipped to spend most of the time in a constantly damp or wet ground environment. They can be used as a natural filter to purify waterways and riparian areas but can also grow well in a normal garden soil. Some examples are Manatu, Kahikatea, Mingimingi, Pukio, Harakeke.

Our Products
Amenity Plants
These are plants will look good in an urban environment or garden. Commonly used in commercial landscaping for their aesthetics and hardiness but also suitable as revegetation plants include Kōwhai, Kānuka, Kōhuhu and Tārata. Really the choice is a personal one, however a Kānuka tree as a specimen tree can make quite a statement on the landscape (as can a Tī Kōuka or Kōwhai).

Our Products
Birds and Bees
These are species provide essential nourishment for bees and birds by producing berries and nectar from their flowers. Careful plant selection can result in a rich source of food for both birds and bees for a good part of the year. Some examples include Karamu, Harakeke, Kōwhai, Tī Kōuka, Fivefinger and Koromiko.